Linux Mac OS X Sistem Operasi

40 Linux Commands You Should Know

40 Linux Commands You Should Know

40 Linux Commands You Should Know – Hi everyone, this time I will share with you an article about 40 Linux commands you should know, Have you ever used the Linux operating system for the first time but were confused about the commands on Linux, and now Mimin is kind enough to share information regarding the commands on the Linux operating system.

What you are the 40 Linux Commands You Should Know ?

  1. ls – Linux command for lists files and directories in a directory
  2. cd – Linux command for changes the current working directory
  3. pwd – Linux command for prints the current working directory
  4. mkdir – Linux command for creates a new directory
  5. rmdir – Linux command for deletes an empty directory
  6. touch – Linux command for creates a new file
  7. rm – Linux command for deletes a file
  8. mv – Linux command for moves or renames a file or directory
  9. cp – Linux command for copies a file or directory
  10. cat – Linux command for displays the contents of a file
  11. less – Linux command for displays the contents of a file one page at a time
  12. head – Linux command for displays the first few lines of a file
  13. tail – Linux command for displays the last few lines of a file
  14. grep – Linux command for searches for a pattern in a file
  15. find – Linux command for finds files and directories in a file system
  16. wc – Linux command for counts the number of lines, words, and characters in a file
  17. sort – Linux command for sorts the lines in a file
  18. uniq – Linux command for removes duplicate lines from a sorted file
  19. tar – Linux command for creates or extracts files from a tar archive
  20. gzip – Linux command for compresses or decompresses files
  21. bzip2 – Linux command for compresses or decompresses files
  22. zip – Linux command for compresses or decompresses files in the ZIP format
  23. unzip – Linux command for extracts files from a ZIP archive
  24. chmod – Linux command for changes the permissions of a file or directory
  25. chown – Linux command for changes the owner of a file or directory
  26. sudo – Linux command for runs a command with superuser privileges
  27. apt-get – Linux command for installs or removes packages on Debian-based systems
  28. yum – Linux command for installs or removes packages on Red Hat-based systems
  29. dpkg – Linux command for installs or removes packages on Debian-based systems
  30. rpm – Linux command for installs or removes packages on Red Hat-based systems
  31. ps – Linux command for displays information about running processes
  32. kill – Linux command for sends a signal to a process to terminate it
  33. top – Linux command for displays real-time information about running processes
  34. htop – Linux command for an interactive process viewer for Linux
  35. nano – Linux command for a simple command line text editor
  36. vi – Linux command for a more advanced command line text editor
  37. ssh – Linux command for secure shell, to remotely access other computer
  38. scp – Linux command for securely copy files to, from remote machine
  39. ping – Linux command for Check network connectivity
  40. df – Linux command for reports the amount of available disk space being used by file system

Thus the article regarding 40 Linux commands you should know, I hope this is useful and adds to all of our insights 🙂


Adin Yahya

About Author

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